by DeNA Co., Ltd.

Role Playing


Official / successive FF series is a large set!nTogether with more than 170 characters in characternLets experience the excitement of your favorite FF

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僕たちは知っている。すべての物語を……これは、懐かしくも新しいファイナルファンタジー偉大なる「物語の記憶」を巡る冒険が、今はじまる----------------------------------◇◆◇ゲーム紹介◇◆◇----------------------------------◆あの名シーンがフルリメイクされたドットで蘇る「炭鉱都市ナルシェ」「ミッドガル」「ザナルカンド」...想い出の数々をFFRKオリジナルのドット映像としてフルリメイク「レコードダンジョン」で、夢中になったあの【物語の記憶】を呼び覚まそう◆FFキャラクター総登場セシル、クラウド、ティーダ、ノクティス、世界を救った主人公ーギルガメッシュ、サイファー、クジャ、葛藤と戦ってきた好敵手たちー個性豊かなキャラクターが200人以上登場「主人公」「ボス」「暁の戦士」「歴代シド」など、好みに応じて歴代FFのキャラクターから自由なパーティ編成を楽しもう◆原作ストーリーをバトルで追体験戦闘はシリーズお馴染みのアクティブタイムバトル「凶斬り」「爆裂拳」「メテオ」「バハムート」...必殺技、アビリティ、召喚獣を駆使して、【戦いの記憶】を取り戻そう◆歴代BGMがここに集結FFの記憶を呼び起こす数々の名曲を収録新たに生まれ変わったFFRKオリジナルアレンジも多数登場します「音楽室」では、いつでも【音の記憶】に触れることが可能お気に入りの曲を設定し、FF世界を堪能しよう----------------------------------◇◆◇ストーリー◇◆◇----------------------------------【Episode1】魔法と芸術の調和により詠歌を誇るとある王国この国には代々語り継がれるひとつの言い伝えがあった偉大なる物語の「記憶」それこそが秩序と安定をもたらす王国は世界の安寧を守るべく、偉大なる「記憶」を「絵画」に封印したしかし、突如として「絵画」に封印された記憶が失われ世界に異変が起こる……【Episode2】異変から世界を守るべく偉大な【戦いの記憶】を追憶し、取り戻してきたデシ調査のなかで、未知の魔力を発する謎の絵画「崩壊画」を発見するそこに封じられていたのは、従来の絵画のような【戦いの記憶】ではなく、英雄たちの生き様が刻まれた偉大なる【物語の記憶】そのものだった……----------------------------------◇◆◇キャラクター◇◆◇----------------------------------野村哲也氏 描き下ろしのオリジナルキャラクター◆デシ師であるDr.モグの指示のもと、偉大な物語の「記憶」を取り戻すために戦う少年謎の少女ウララとともに、新たな追憶の戦いへと身を投じる◆ウララ「魔石の間」でデシたちに保護された少女過去の記憶を失っているが、不思議な力を持っている保護された当初は感情の起伏が少なかったが、デシたちと日々を過ごすうち、徐々に変化を見せ始める◆シャドウスミス「魔石の間」の事件でデシたちに協力した魔法省の高官さまざまな魔法と豊富な知識で、省内でも信奉者が多いデシやウララをサポートし、時に意味深な助言を与えることもある ■ご意見・ご要望・不具合のご報告はこちら■ We know. The whole story...This is a nostalgic new Final FantasyThe adventure around the great “memory of the story” begins now----------------------------------◇◆◇Game introduction◇◆◇----------------------------------◆That famous scene revives with a fully remade dot."Coal mining city Narche" "Midgal" "Zanarkand"...Full remake of memories as FFRK original dot imagesLets wake up the [memory of story] that was absorbed in "Record Dungeon"◆Introduction of FF charactersCecil, Cloud, Tiida, Noctis, the hero who saved the worldGood opponents who have fought against Gilgamesh, Cipher, Kuja, ConflictMore than 200 unique characters appeared"Hero", "Boss", "Akatsuki no Warrior", "Sequence Sid", etc.Enjoy the free party formation from the characters of the successive FF according to your preference◆ Relive the original story in battleCombat is an active time battle familiar to the series"Killer" "Blasting fist" "Meteor" "Bahamut"...Use your Special Moves, Abilities, and Summons to regain [Memory of Battle]◆Background music gathers hereIncludes many famous songs that evoke the memory of FFMany newly reborn FFRK original arrangements will also appearIn the "music room", you can always touch [memory of sound]Set your favorite song and enjoy the FF world----------------------------------◇◆◇ Story ◇◆◇----------------------------------[Episode 1]A kingdom that boasts a poem due to the harmony of magic and artThere was a tradition in this country that has been passed down from generation to generation.Great story "memory" that brings order and stabilityThe kingdom sealed the great "memory" in "paintings" to protect the worlds well-beingHowever, suddenly the memory sealed in the "painting" is lost and an accident occurs in the world...[Episode 2]Desi who has recollected and regained the great [memory of battle] to protect the world from the accidentIn the investigation, discover a mysterious painting "collapse image" that emits unknown magical powerWhat was contained there was not the [memory of battle] like the traditional painting,It was a great [memory of the story] itself in which the heroes lives were carved...----------------------------------◇◆◇Character◇◆◇----------------------------------Tetsuya Nomuras original character drawn by ◆DesiA boy fighting to regain the "memory" of a great story under the direction of his teacher Dr. Mog.Along with the mysterious girl Urara, I will devote myself to a new remembrance battle◆UraraA girl protected by desi in "Mamaneki no Ma"I have lost my memory of the past, but have a mysterious powerThere were few emotional ups and downs when protected,As I spend days with Desi and others, I start to see changes gradually◆Shadow SmithHigh-ranking official of the Ministry of Magic who cooperated with Desi in the "Magic Stone Room" caseMany followers within the province with various magic and rich knowledgeSupports Desi and Urara, and sometimes gives meaningful advice■Click here for opinions, requests, and reports of defects■いつもFINAL FANTASY Record Keeperをプレイ頂きありがとうございます。下記の更新を実施しました。・細かなバグの修正など今後ともFINAL FANTASY Record Keeperをよろしくお願いいたします。

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zc554kl chibi

Fun! Lots of content.


No longer playable on my Galaxy Note 3 😩

Murphy Ryan



Best game ever

A Google user

Great gameplay with nostalgic look of pixelart. New battle system is fun to play with. I love how the original soundtrack was used for each series and how its loyal to original storyline but it has new twist to it.

Tokoro Ten

It's ok.

Amari Yoan






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